Recent content by alfred eibenstock

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  1. alfred eibenstock

    Pva on sand and cement

    hi help me out with this please. having put sand cement a mere high with water proofer 1 metre high around a room, when would be the best time to skim? And would pva be applied to the sand cement before skimming or would that cause problems by sealing in moisture?
  2. alfred eibenstock

    Sand and cement pva?

    the house been empty for for a couple of years with no heating so i think thats whats caused it,
  3. alfred eibenstock

    Sand and cement pva?

    hi guys, I have a room that has damp all the way up to the top nearly, it will all be hacked off and sand and cement put back on. When would be the best time to plaster this? Same day next day or left to set?And would I need to apply pva if Left till the next day?
  4. alfred eibenstock

    Spreading left to right

    hi guys if your right handed do render and float from left to right? I have been told that's the right way. Could anyone tell me why??
  5. alfred eibenstock

    Dot and screed System

    Hi guys looking for some advice .When using the dot and screed to prepare a wall with browning or bonding should a scratch coat go before putting the screeds on or is it done in on coat after the screeds or on.
  6. alfred eibenstock

    browning scratch coat???

    hi plasterers, when floating rooms with browning or hard wall or bonding, can you do in just one coat, setting out properly with screed rails and levels or would you need a scratch coat put on first like sand and cement. any helpful advice please?