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  1. P

    See you next Tuesday

    It’s an advert for a viny pot in the marketplace.
  2. P

    See you next Tuesday

    No,not this one.
  3. P

    See you next Tuesday

    Anything gone wrong to make you look like one of these when your really not? I once unibonded and skimmed over an Artex ceiling,a common job then,no idea how many I’d done.After the first trowel the ceiling started bubbling,and I mean big bubbles some over a metre long,then sheets of it came...
  4. P

    Any stilts for sale?

    Love these!
  5. P


    Badvok- you had scaffold boards? Luxury!
  6. P


    Badvok,I’ve done the same over a stairwell,counterbalanced with bags of multi finish . I did it at the weekend and nobody on y thesite could work out how i did it .
  7. P


    What things can you look back on and realise they should have been a clue not to go into the game? I have two.I was labouring for a then big Irish company Martin and Dennis.( about 1970) and there was a dispute as to who would do the top floor of a job as the cielings sloped into the walls. At...
  8. P

    Historical pointing job today

    I think it was Columbo ( old tv detective show) who said ‘I don’t even like being this tall!’
  9. P

    Historical pointing job today

    Fred Dibna would have laughed at that photo! But yes,his way was best.
  10. P

    Historical pointing job today

    The best I’ve seen for getting over a problem.The only way to top that would be to do it off a trampoline
  11. P

    Tenant complaints could soar with Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018

    Probably a plasterer who did too many weekends!
  12. P

    whats the best plastering tip/advice youve been giving

    Retired now but remember as a young plasterer an old boy going on and on about how they used to work harder and long years ago,he shut up when someone said how come you haven’t got any money then?
  13. P


    Talking of Wickes,and you can believe this or not I once found a straight skim bead in their store.
  14. P

    New member .

    I haven’t used a Tyzack for years. I went onto Marshalltown for a long time but then they started to bend,so now I use cheapies .
  15. P

    New member .

    Prospects here hello all . At 65 semi-retired .