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  1. R

    Gauge of lime in cement render

    I am rendering a old cob building on the coast of a beach. Will be using lime but do i use it in every coat? And at what gauge 6 1 1 ? Also I have used this many times but a couple times it crazed on the top coat with loads of hair line cracks which put me off using lime a bit.
  2. R

    Sand Cement mouldings how to do the birds beak round external door ways

    Sorry forgot to say i need to know how to put this part back ?
  3. R

    Sand Cement mouldings how to do the birds beak round external door ways

    Hi All, I live in Plymouth and we have alot of old mouldings etc down here. Well i have a customer that wants us to hack of render keeping mouldings which is fine, as we will just disc around them.... But around the door entrance we have a corner on the head and a corner coming a foot down the...
  4. R

    keeping a wet edge when dashing

    Yeah good cheers mate and yep im fairly busy, well i havent had anytime off at all and i seem to be turning jobs down as its just bankrolling to many jobs breaks me. You busy mate?
  5. R

    keeping a wet edge when dashing

    help ! i have only done a few dashing jobs but never really know how to keep a wet edge, if i go left to right with someone following throwing the stone its fine until we drop down to the next lift and then the edge is dry and stone dont stick to well, or i overlay then u have a scar. Please...