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  1. M

    Corners ??

    Hey jonesy u sure it wasn't rough plastering with white caulk run down the internals
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    straight edge level

    Just ordered a straight edge level from refina do these stay true ?
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    Cracking and crazing

    It goes on quick enough , it's happing cus sun baking it , just wondered if any 1 else had this problem or got a solution
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    Cracking and crazing

    Bloody labs just carnt get the staff ... Any ideas on how to stop crazing on fresh skimming when the suns on it ??
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    Plasterers transport!!

    What about your tools at nite Malc ?
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    Plasterers transport!!

    Tube could be a good investment saves um gettin bent when stuff falls on them , and end up lookin like a arch bead !
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    Plasterers transport!!

    Can u get 8x3 pb in it m8 , I need a new van got transit connect lwb but can only get 6x3 in
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    It's like a thick paint can trowel it on , spray or roll it , u can get different rollers then which create different patterns
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    The phone rings!

    Think my Missis always shares us a tea bag it's always lookin like chicken soup ! Yeah gettin busy now soon be on 7 days like it like that tho instead of tatting around , plus I get a decent cuppa at work
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    It's a orangery , I do them for a firm and its mtr price m8 went in to it blind didnt no about sandtex till we got there to look ! It took some sortin out for them to cover extra cost of sandtex , never mind ocr , so it's goin to be s+c , just want to get in now and get it done start this fri...
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    Thanks for the advice Ivor , goin to way up now what do , material cost for OCR , against cheaper s+c but 2 coat =more time , job price already set
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    Tbf ( to be fair ) I know what it stands for !
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    Do u mean the weber bagged stuff , never used it m8 what is it like to use , setting times and rubbing up ? How much is it ? Will it be more than s&c , got about 45 m2
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    Got a job comin up where it is new block work on a ext , got to match sandtex finish , so was goin to bead up with 10 mm stop beads and do a one coat sand and cement with waterproofer , and sponge finish as normal , what u chaps think any advice pls thanks
  16. M

    trowel trouble.

    Hi to all , just kept sayin u may not reply ... But all is good now
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    trowel trouble.

    Lol only recently been able to reply ? Gr8 forum tho will try and make up for lost time !
  18. M

    trowel trouble.

    Mt gold trowel , per worn in is the way forward :RpS_thumbup: