Can anybody advise me regarding render beads please?

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I genuinely thank all of you that have intended on providing me with your constructive and helpful advice but it seems these forums are polluted with eejit's who are intent with adding garbage. I joined this forum to seek assistance and hopefully reciprocate but I do rather enjoy a verbal challenge too. Good fortune to those that have helped me and to the others ...well beware of taking the p**s and posting a profile photo of your dog..!
What do you think of my picture hunny. :love:
I honestly give up...

Firstly the customer is doing said plasterers/renderers work...then asks us the question that he should be asking him!!!

Then were all in the wrong for suggesting the prep is the most important bit...

Worlds gone mad!

Gotta be careful letting the customer do any prep.

I got a bunch of photos that appeared to show that the customer had drylined, taped and filled bevelled edge board, and then wanted a skim over.

Fair enough.

Except that's not what he did at all. The fookin madman had just splodged jointing compound all over the joints on the plastering side - and he'd let his daughter do half of it.

Some of the humps were about 12mm high. Couldn't even really sand it because it was full of scrim.

Loose boards everywhere.

Twisted boards everywhere.

OP.... what you're heading for is a fight. If and when it goes to rat s**t, you won't believe the plasterer when he says it's your fault. Let the man do his work.
Except that's not what he did at all. The fookin madman had just splodged jointing compound all over the joints on the plastering side - and he'd let his daughter do half of it.

Some of the humps were about 12mm high. Couldn't even really sand it because it was full of scrim.

Loose boards everywhere.

Twisted boards everywhere.

my heart always sinks when the customers say they will do the prep
Thanks for your help guys. OK ...nice to skip to constructive advice again.
This forum, like many others, were instigated to help and assist those who are professionals and non professionals alike. Most of you guys had to learn, be it at college and/ or on site. If every professional refused to impart his knowledge and experience we would all be goosed hey?
This is my first post here and whilst I support you professional tradesmen protecting your hard earned experience, this forum is not limited to tradesmen and exactly the reason why I signed up here hoping for advice. After all isn't that what forums like this are for, sharing knowledge?

The renderer agreed to apply the second coat only. He advised 15mm beads but as in 'Dansouthcoadt84' the reason I asked is because there is a wider suggestion on this forum of bead depth from 6mm -15mm. The EWI has been glued and anchored to the brick at recommended positions, staggered and true'd vertically and horizontally. The mesh will be bedded in base coat, overlapped and strengthened at window reveals, doorways etc. Thanks to those that have taken the time to add your constructive advice. I appreciate and welcome your valuable observations.
Are you using monocouche or 1.5 mm top coat