Slough Spreads

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I should have a contract in slough starting soon, I think its gonna be price work.... I not very quick at price work the joy of domestic. I am trying to get day work but we will see how it goes.

Anyway I might need a hand, I also might need a place to Slough is a trek for me.

Anybody interested pm me and I will keep you in mind

All the best

i thought you were in buckinghamshire mate sloughs only down the road ill give you a hand on price
I do I live in MK.

2 spreads that trained me said they start this contrcat and if I was interested in the skimming I said yar.... then thought hmmmm only do domestice 2 lids a day.... lol this could be interesting. BUt worth a crack.

I will find out more on monday, once they have been down. I will then find out if the prices are any good if not then they can poke


hello danny, yer if you need a 2and1 gang, were only 1hour away from slough, jun 5 m1 give us a shout if you need a hand, cheers m8! :)
depending on what their paying out per sqm,which normally would be about 2.50 skimming,youll need to be hitting some seriouse meterage a day to make it worth while plus labourer,
I was told yesterday that the firm never pays less than £3m2 so 60m2 a day will give me my £180 3x sets of 20m2 is not gonna bust my balls.

As long as its consistant I am not worried as the economy is shite I will be happy taking £100 a day home after tax.

ive just been offered 3.75 on walls 4.00 on ceilings 3 houses all flat ceilings
sorry couldnt help meself .........i wish!! 2.50 here all the way :'(
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