Work - Kent

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Mr Sparrow

New Member
Hi guys,

Its a long shot but here goes!!

Does anyone in the Kent area need an extra pair of hands? I done a plastering course last summer and have been doing bits and pieces around my current job ever since.

The only trouble now is that work for me is seriously drying up and all the work I have done is just re-skims. I have done some work with a local plasterer but he is struggling for work as well at the moment.

The plan is to one day leave my comfy 9-5 world and go full time into plastering. In order to go into plastering full-time though I need someone to take me on as there mix b*tch or to get some more experience at weekends so I can learn other aspects of the trade and possibly one day go for it on my own.

I'm based in Maidstone. If anyone needs an extra pair of hands for weekend work, or is looking to take someone on full time let me know.

Have a good weekend everybody
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