First post. Just joined.

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Just out of interest why have you got such tiny ears on a big serious looking face ??
Are you pissed off with your ears ??
Bet people say that to you all the time.
Usually only to do with farts. At 43 I still love farts.

The deg was frightened of them, which was great. Meant I hardly ever wasted one for years.

In lifts. Magic.

Escalators too, so people get dragged through it.

I stopped the band playing one night...low lie the fields of athenry, where once we ....poooh, who was that, oh God, who was that?!?!. How can I sing breathing that in?
Usually only to do with farts. At 43 I still love farts.

The deg was frightened of them, which was great. Meant I hardly ever wasted one for years.

In lifts. Magic.

Escalators too, so people get dragged through it.

I stopped the band playing one night...low lie the fields of athenry, where once we ....poooh, who was that, oh God, who was that?!?!. How can I sing breathing that in?
I love that song, it reminds me of someone I miss.... how dare you fart in the middle of it!
Usually only to do with farts. At 43 I still love farts.

The deg was frightened of them, which was great. Meant I hardly ever wasted one for years.

In lifts. Magic.

Escalators too, so people get dragged through it.

I stopped the band playing one night...low lie the fields of athenry, where once we ....poooh, who was that, oh God, who was that?!?!. How can I sing breathing that in?
Do love these @Stevieo vignettes
You in the US?.

Judging by the cloth of his cap and the cut of his jacket, plus the complexion unique to the diet of people in that area, I'm going to say Massachusetts. Probably eastern Massachusetts.
First post. Just joined.

Carpool, interesting way to carry tools and materials
Just to test if you are real or fake, what are the two colored products on the ceiling? We spell it ‘coloured’ here.