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    • Arti
      Arti replied to the thread Becoming a lecturer.
      How did you get on Rossi?. I did it for abit a few years back and NVQ Assessing for a mate of mine who had a private training company...
    • Arti
      Arti reacted to Rossi46's post in the thread Becoming a lecturer with Like Like.
      Cheers lads. If Swarty can do it then anyone can :ROFLMAO:
    • Arti
      Arti reacted to Rossi46's post in the thread Becoming a lecturer with Like Like.
      I’m mostly for builders so customers aren’t an issue. Yeah, weather is an absolute ballache. It’s boredom mostly, not learning anymore...
    • Arti
      Arti replied to the thread Rounded external corners.
      Get rid of the membranes and do it all in lime if it's an old cottage. Hope this helps
    • Arti
      Arti replied to the thread Bitcoin.
      You can buy as much of a bitcoin as you want.You not gonna get the gains from bitcoin probably 2/3x max unless you plough a ton of money...
    • Arti
      Arti reacted to Spudknit's post in the thread Bitcoin with Agree Agree.
      The ignorance on here about crypto is aint a clue I've been doing it for a year,I've made a few few £k at present and yes...
    • Arti
      Arti replied to the thread Bitcoin.
      Crypto is my out after this bullrun. It's a sleeping giant. It's still mega early for crypto. The only issue I can see for the big coins...
    • Arti
      Arti reacted to markyspread's post in the thread Bitcoin with Agree Agree.
      you will make more money with crypto than you will ever will with a trowel. trust me, i do both ,
    • Arti
      Arti reacted to KingCharlesTheTurd's post in the thread Kirks Pink with Funny Funny.
      fkin loada bollox this fat 2 min tiktok ego skimmer taking you all for cuntzzzz, just buys SBR in bulk n puts pink dye in it and passes...
    • Arti
      Arti replied to the thread Ritmo L Smart.
      Maybe you should just get a second hand Ritmo L
    • Arti
      Arti reacted to Cockney's post in the thread K-Rend vs Lime Render for New Extension with Agree Agree.
      Once again, Electrician - Plumber - Kitchen fitter - Builder have all ripped the arse out of “the budget” and the finishing trades ie...
    • Arti
      Arti replied to the thread Lime plastering.
      Have you thought of using an insulated hemp hot lime?. You can build it out to 25/30mm coats. It's good for dubbing out as well and it...
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