Recent content by adrianw

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    Strong tie quikdrive

    Hello all. Has anyone used a strong tie quikdrive autofeed screwdriver before.I bought one for over boarding a ceiling and the b*****d packed in after only 5 screws.I was wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience.cheers.
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    Plastering a 3.5m high ceiling

    I use a multi purpose ladder,they aren't cheap but once youv'e got em they come in handy.
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    Mobile problem

    My phone int one of those new fangled smart phones it's a sony ericsson w995.Is this why i can't see owt.
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    Mobile problem

    Can't read posts on my phone for some reason.I bring up the post i want to read but it's empty apart from the person who sent it and the title.
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    Advise please

    Im not doing anything with it cos ive been back to look at it and theres all wrong with it.He probably had muck on his glasses the
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    Advise please

    As far as im aware they are painting it.Ive told em not to ring me again.
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    Advise please

    It's being painted on monday and I used a rubber trowel ha ha.
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    Advise please

    Just been round to look at the offending ceiling and i'm a bit p..sed off. There is all wrong with it.It's as smooth as my head and i'm bald. I honestly don't know what they want from me.
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    Advise please

    Never used it mate.How Do you apply that is it same as skim, pva and 2 coats.
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    Advise please

    Thanks for the advise.Looks like i'm doing it again. Will I get away with 1 coat or do I have to do 2.
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    Advise please

    I wba the ceiling then went back the next day to skim
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    Advise please

    Some advise please gents.I plastered an artex ceiling in one hit with 2 coats last week.The customer has just rung me saying that three quarters are fine but one quarter is rippled. She said another plasterer did the same up stairs.why is this and how can I quick fix it.
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    Packing out

    It's all been knocked back to the brick work.It's the wall itself that's on the p+ss.
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    Packing out

    Thanks for the advise lads.I've never done a wall as bad.I told em they should have it looked at to make sure it's structurarly sound.
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    Packing out

    Evening all.Im about to dot dab a wall that is severely bowed in the middle.Ive been advised to pack out with plasterboard first and then dab onto that.Could anyone tell me whats the limit a dab will take to avoid packing out,thanks.