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      iseevideo replied to the thread House in Italy.
      Hmmm, conflicting advice. If only there were one clear answer that everyone agreed on. But that's not how this life works, is it?
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      iseevideo replied to the thread House in Italy.
      So what would you recommend?
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      iseevideo replied to the thread House in Italy.
      I'll be in the UK on Saturday and then driving back to Italy at the end of the month and I could take the supplies with me. So any recs...
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      iseevideo replied to the thread House in Italy.
      I like what I'm hearing there. Any recommendations for primer, filler and paint?
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      iseevideo replied to the thread House in Italy.
      So would I need to remove the existing plaster? And if so, would it be enough to remove it to a height of one meter (the affected...
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      iseevideo replied to the thread House in Italy.
      Hey there, I'm not sure what you mean by "yes"....
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      Hey everyone, I'm new here, so I'm gonna apologise in advance for asking some stupid questions.... About seven years ago, I bought a...
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      Hi everyone, I've got an old brick house in Italy and I look forward to picking people's brains about some of the issues with the plaster!
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