Recent content by Neilevs18

  1. N

    Makita coffee maker

    Guy in work with me has one. Does the job. Can only make one cuppa at a time though. I wouldn't buy one.
  2. N


    Ever heard of Google?
  3. N


  4. N

    Flexi trowel

    Only use for polishing i do. I've got a nela flexy best trowel I've ever had. Lay on and flatten with marshalltown though.
  5. N

    Newly plastered wall is bumpy.

    That's really poor in my opinion, get them back to reskim.
  6. N

    What to do with belongings whilst plastering?

    Why not just ask your plasterer these questions
  7. N

    Damp or Poor circulation

    Could be a few things. Do you usually have things against those walls? Is it an open area or do you have a door? You could try cutting a hole in the wall and door (if you have one) and put a vent cover over it to help with air circulation. Or it could potentially be caused by no DPC.
  8. N

    Skim over artex ceiling

    Don't be so hard on yourself, looks fine to me..........
  9. N

    Best Trowel

    Marshalltown for laying on and flattening. Nela flexy for finishing.
  10. N

    Half time.

    I only ever use it for patching in and it's usually gone within an hour of laying on
  11. N

    Half time.

    It does work. But be careful how much you put in, especially if only mixing a small amount of plaster. Went solid half way through mixing with me before!
  12. N

    Pregrit - any good?

    Each to their own mate but I will never go back to using PVA. Unless I'm paying for it ha!
  13. N

    Pregrit - any good?

    Bostik grit is quality. Not cheap but I dont pay for materials so who cares haha