Recent content by Onecoater

  1. O

    Order of working

    isn't posting something in a thread that you are going to ignore a bit of a paradox? ??? ;D
  2. O


    Seems to be some variation in techinique to a fireplace... Are there any plasterers on the forum that have experience with this? As well as doing normal fireplaces, there must have been some guys that have had to plaster prestigious places like big halls or stately homes? Imagine the heat from...
  3. O

    What is he playing at, ffs!

    Now there's a bold statement on a board full of proffesional plasterers! :o
  4. O

    Ritmo Spraying monocouche render.

    Turbo.... ;D Mcplaster- cheers for the heads up, i'll see what PFT northerns come up with then :)
  5. O

    What is he playing at, ffs!

    There was me thinking you were the best :o
  6. O

    What is he playing at, ffs!

    yes yes, you are. Should of done the walls first ;) LOL ;D (an you thought you were all having a private lil dig together ;) hihi) PS: and DISCLAIMER; it's a joke! Hopefully you can take a little humouring too? I see you like to give some.. so taking should be part of the course as well I hope ;)
  7. O

    Order of working

    Hey! F*ck you! 1 foot is also OK. Plasterers can work with prosthetics too you know :P equal oppurtunities an all that ;D
  8. O

    Order of working

    I think we have. Starting again would be cool. So tell me about yourself buddy, how long you been a spread? or am I going too far now ;D :o
  9. O

    Order of working

    I've accepted the helpful information and have always responded in a civil manner. People have given advice and where i didn't understand terminology given then I have asked for a clarification, that's all. Nothing to get heated about... as for your answer, i must admit you have been patient...
  10. O

    Ritmo Spraying monocouche render.

    Would love one of those Ritmos. What's the best price you can get one of those in the UK? Had a quote here but was a tad high...
  11. O

    Order of working

    So if you realise that someone doesn't know what they are on about you abuse them? I normally try to help someone that doesn't know something. I'm not sure you know what the definition of a jobsworth is? I'm not applying any rules of my job to be overly unhelpful, in fact I'll normally go out...
  12. O

    fair play we all do it differently

    Bl00dy massive beer festival in Germany mate! it's humongous and is serious annihilation! As for the refined plaster - well... this is a genuine remark by the way and not to annoy but just wondered why UK is still doing two coats of...
  13. O

    thinking of trying the plastering career...

    Hi Will, I'd say either find someone that would take you on as a labourer and learn it "on the job" as it were. Or find a college in your area that does plastering. Cleaning cars a hobby? I use snowfoam here as a prewash and two bucket method for the wash itself ;D Got any decent stuff like a...
  14. O

    small trowel

    really like marshalltown, got one of these for putting plaster on Use a much lighter trowel (and sharp as a knife!) for polishing though.
  15. O

    fair play we all do it differently

    I'll bring a box of pralines in as a truce offering :-\ bet i know something you'd like more ;) over 700 odd types of beer here ;D