Recent content by Schizzlemeister

  1. S

    washing up liquid in plaster

    Somebody told me a plasterer he knew used to put washing up liquid in his plaster. Is there any benefit in doing this?
  2. S

    Fcukin Time wasters!!!!

    I lost work to somebody doing it for £80 a day. If you're unemployed then £80 is better than nowt I suppose.
  3. S

    Lack of suction? Create a 'key'

    What about just using a scutch hammer and PVA?
  4. S

    How do I plaster a large ceiling in 2 parts?

    About 4 x 7 metres in size. Ended up going for it in 1 hit. Will try rolling method next time
  5. S

    Bad Feeling

    I've been plastering for 4 years and I am better than anybody on this forum ;D ;D NOT! My hat goes off to those that can plaster. Respect, a real skill. I find that I am continually trying to make my current job better than the last one. It's a proper man's job tho init? Just had to have a new...
  6. S

    How do I plaster a large ceiling in 2 parts?

    I'm doing it tomorrow and will attempt the rolling set technique. Thanks for replies
  7. S

    How do I plaster a large ceiling in 2 parts?

    Hi chaps, I've done loads of ceilings before kitchen and bathroom size but I've picked up a really big bedroom ceiling. Looking at the size of it and the fact I will be on my own I know it will have gone off at the begining by the time I have covered the whole ceiling. I Will also have to do a...