Recent content by steve1976

  1. S

    k-rend dash

    Can you get k-rend dash in all the same colours as the scraped renders for k-rend? anybody every use the dash ,is it easy to use/ iv done the course on it but as yet no jobs but pricing 1 tomorro
  2. S

    white rendering sand

    white sand get in most buiders comes bagged, snow crete is the white cement
  3. S

    render blown on re-rendered bungalow

    yep lad up the north west area works steady enough here. where you at lad much work on
  4. S

    render blown on re-rendered bungalow

    the scratch coat could been a weaker mix than top coat mate ,that could make it blow, thats what id be blaming it on anyway ;)
  5. S


    scudding is mixing 1 or 2 sand to 1 cement mixed up wetish and harled onto wall to give a key to scratch on before render etc something like rend aid i suppose
  6. S

    Roughcasting mix ratios

    You could dry dash it and then throw a wet slurry coat over it after , same affect but not as messy
  7. S

    Undercut Big Time

    Think the floor area of house must be 3200 sq feet kevin i havent seen it my self but this plasterer iv worked with has been about a while good spread and he priced keenly at 12,500 i know you might get undercut by a grand or 2 but half the price is beyond a joke!
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    Undercut Big Time

    The guy said he went in at 12 and half because he knew that there wer a lot of undercutting going on but didnt think anybody could go in this low
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    Undercut Big Time

    No lad rubbed up outside roughed and skimmed in. Cash must be, Reckons the guys doing it are getting the dole thats why there going in so cheap ,
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    Undercut Big Time

    Sorry lads 3200 m sq i meant
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    Undercut Big Time

    I give another plasterer a pull out when hes busy sometimes , last week he was telling me that he priced a house and good chance he was getting it,was telling me today somebody got it,now house was 3200sq ft inside and out he went in 12,500 and other spread got it for 6,700 , This is taking the...
  12. S

    things that p.i.s.s u off about skimming

    What about leaving your bucket too long you have to wash it out with the hammer >:( then you go and bust a hole in the c##t :'(
  13. S


    5 litres should do you depends how sore your on it
  14. S

    Plasterer messed up my kitchen,need advice

    Alright mate , if i was you and you feel you want to try it why dont you try plastering the smallest wall in your kitchen and if that turns out ok then do the rest, if not fill all the faults and sand. to reskim, score your wall first with stanly knife to give a key, pva 3:1,then 2 coats of...
  15. S

    internal rendering

    You prob can lad but plasticer would do.