Recent content by TheWand

  1. TheWand


  2. TheWand


    We do a manocouch mix with fibres in
  3. TheWand

    Waterproofer / plasticiser

    Just buy bagged render
  4. TheWand

    Advice on Aqua panel job

    Will your tape do the joints on Aquapanel :chica:
  5. TheWand

    Wire poking out of K-Rend

    Is it not turkish enough :risas:
  6. TheWand

    new mason in town

    You need octopus ink
  7. TheWand

    Stabila level recalibration

    Glue??? ........ Just tape it on............... Erm, ok then glue it on :risas::risas::risas::risas::risas:
  8. TheWand

    Victorian building damp issue

    Dont stay too long or you'll find out its full of arseholes (y)
  9. TheWand

    Stabila level recalibration

    So the general concensus is no. Nobody has had a level recalibrated. In future plesse just answer the question and keep the small talk for the boozer. You know how Danny gets :pcmala:
  10. TheWand

    Stabila level recalibration

    You should see the price of Wands my friend :frenetico:
  11. TheWand

    Stabila level recalibration

    Anyone had it done? Is it free under the warranty? Do you have to send it away?
  12. TheWand

    Advice on Aqua panel job

    When ive done it in the past ive meshed the joints and basecoated. Let it pick up then basecoated the whole lot as normal. Sure i got that off Rich.
  13. TheWand

    Victorian building damp issue

    Use lime inside and out
  14. TheWand

    Boris on the tools - spray plastering

    That makes total sense. You even sound like boris :endesacuerdo: