I'm back Bitches

Where Are They No Fans GIF by Hashtag United Official
PaulF, always licking my arse as per usual. How are you and the Misses mate
P.s yous all knew I had gone, yous were wondering for months. When I hadn't posted you stopped pishing your knickers. Now it's wet panties again for you Paul...my plaster is the equivalent of rubbing your hand across a proper vag, yours is an 80s bush, sorry mate but someone had to say...get into brick laying
P.s yous all knew I had gone, yous were wondering for months. When I hadn't posted you stopped pishing your knickers. Now it's wet panties again for you Paul...my plaster is the equivalent of rubbing your hand across a proper vag, yours is an 80s bush, sorry mate but someone had to say...get into brick laying
Nope, still don't know who you are.
Wears his court suit to Iceland and gets his carer to spray him down with Febreze beforehand.
I'm not mocking him or his homosexual fantasies, which mostly involve me, everybody wants to be somebody these days.
This is @Gaidangallacher1993@gmail. time to shine.
Well Paul, it wasn't that last week when I had a private msg from you telling me that you would help plaster my box room. I read between the lines. I went a long with it but I do think you have a problem mate... several others have mentioned about you. Netflix documentary pending called 'paul F the box room spreader '