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  1. L

    Removing radiators

    back in the day we used to always remove ourselfs on jobs, but after many potencuail and actual problems always state to get a plumber in to to it if they want it skimmed behind. water troubles can get expensive , f00k that.
  2. L

    k render what application?

    for future referance, wind sends it off like f00k! lol this morning got in at 7 coz i was worried and it was borderline ok, come up good but fking took some scraping1 i put on the rest tooo at around 11ish and the sun come out and hit about 14 degrees! worried for that lot now :$ think i...
  3. L

    Plastering depth on the reveals advice needed.

    its old school to form reveals these days, dot n dab is way to go.
  4. L

    k render what application?

    we ended up using 32 bags of top coat on the flank this morning, but i found at end of the day some areas had started to hairline crack, like shrinkage ones, you know what you get if you add too much lime to s/c, those sort..... also the wind didnt give me much time to go back and close it in...
  5. L

    Hpx base finishing

    y on earth would the guy want you to finish with a base coat!?
  6. L

    wat van to go for

    iv got an old astra van, way too small for anything lol its gotta be a transit, work horse, best vans.
  7. L

    k render what application?

    can anyone help me out with this ^^^ as im on it tomorrow and still unsure.
  8. L

    dog rough

    can you really leave it that rough before scrapping it back? honestly like to know as i too thought it didnt look too bad lol
  9. L

    Rendering up to painted aluminium windows

    cover / protect the frames before rendering, simples.
  10. L

    Chimney breast sooted render

    honestly mate, done hundreds just get off all the soot you can with stiff brush, wet it down and scrubb it too, then just pva it bout 50/50 and hardwall/render over.... never had a bleed yet. 15 year in game
  11. L

    k render what application?

    so i finaly got all the prep done!!! after starting the job last monday!! right nightmare, had to lay off the other guys due to shite weather and plod on myself getting it preped, took 2 days this week just to do the main flank , by myself on 3 levels..... arrrhhh! but question please guys...
  12. L

    Aussie Plasterer wants advice from poms

    hmmm, over here iv done hardwall or sand cement, it will most likely crack ming over there to shrinkage.... youd have to leave it for weeks to help it not. as KK says, wet blocks in or even pva to aid with fast curinging...goes without saying.
  13. L

    Good quality plasterer needed

    your on the wrong forum mate lol
  14. L

    old wooden corner beads

    lol, all i can see is those old bullnose jobbys!? am i close, if not someone post aa pic coz im unsure if iv come across one!?
  15. L

    Cracked ceilings again

    as said, sounds more structural ....
  16. L

    Plaster in the eye

    fkin poofs, iv had eye fulls in the face and long as you dont rub it! you ll be fine, just running water in eye and blink, remove lumps by dabbing tissue in corners or where ever under lids etc.... only if you rub it will you scratch the eye. it does hurt like fk mind, i know.
  17. L

    Plaster in the eye

    lol, had it in my eye many times over the years, long as you dont rub it! and wash out under tap, you wont need to go to A n E
  18. L

    "A handfull of lime"

    universal one coat lad :)
  19. L

    "A handfull of lime"

    just go around the job in that grainy one coat! few flaten ins and one coat.... job done, he ll love it. iv done a few jobs like that where they wanted the "lime " finish look.
  20. L

    OK whats your fav-aspect of being a spread

    using my twitcher...... correctly. :)
  21. L

    board finish vs multi finish.

    hate board finish, last time i used it i remembered why i dont lol it was whitey colour too last time and not easy seeing shodows where youv been and misses, hung around like a cheap tart too! i love mulity, chuck it over most things and comes up a treat :)
  22. L

    k render what application?

    fking hard work that was today, by myself. bump all gear out on crap plank set up on single story roof.... got it done though and sun was shinning :)
  23. L

    k render what application?

    nice one mate! in that case im gunna jump in today and do some base, small showers at 50% down here but only for an hour it says, im gunna get to work lol
  24. L

    k render what application?

    can anyone help me out here^^ sods law, after canceling thre lads for rest of week due to weather man saying heaavy rain, its like fkin summer day down here today!! lol *****
  25. L

    Anybody else gone quiet at the moment?

    yeah who else is on their own? im a lone ranger, only come together with lads if its aa biggy or client wants it knocked out.... most the time im alone. who else?
  26. L

    Bitter old spreads

    not much to be earnt off plaster materials though is there, maybe more off the new render systems krend etc... i got a chippy mate show me a double set of wardrobes he built with sliding doors, said he got the doors for 118 each and palmed them off for 200 each plus other gear... said he made...
  27. L

    Anybody else gone quiet at the moment?

    just had the k rend put back a week but got 3 weeks after booked up... rare to have more than a month of work in diary booked in mind, more like 2 weekly.
  28. L

    Bitter old spreads

    i make fking good money but would struggle to invest, id love to but money is in one hand,out the other..... there is no money in plastering these days, general builders earn more and spend half time in their vans on phone getting prices for costemers lol half the guys i know earn far too much...
  29. L

    Bitter old spreads

    im sick to death of it all too, too many jobs are looked at and quoted for just on a day rate and materials! no real coin to be earnt, and still not getting them! trouble too with lots of regular costemers are that they dont know a good spread!! only what they see and are used too, so if it...
  30. L

    k render what application?

    started job monday, builder told me to work to the spec sheet! so i removed lo0ose paint etc,SBR the painted render then applied the hp12 with mesh then mechanical fix 5 per 1m2. didnt get much done as materials didnt turn up till around mid-day! i do have question though, weather is looking...
  31. L

    Plastic Beads with S&C

    errr, s/c mate
  32. L

    Plastic Beads with S&C

    plastic too, except for the bell cast, the weight make them sag so go stainless.
  33. L

    Float and set

    id say 700 with materials was about right spec down my way right now.... whats tax!? :RpS_blink:
  34. L


    i can get it for 8 quid a bag down here.
  35. L


    just build out in one coat and tyralen into it, bag cost like 6 quuid dont it!? lol
  36. L

    mixing s&c by hand

    i use my rafina mixer to do small s/c jobs.... loads easier than by hand lol bit of water plus the additives...add bag of sand mix...add cement mix...add another bag sand mix lol pretty simplesss.
  37. L

    Plastering workwear

    lol, trackies and t shirt, trainers as im domestic spread.
  38. L

    old wooden corner beads

    never seen one, in my 15 years as a spread hmmm someone got a pic, i might just not have known it was a bead lol and skimmed over one.
  39. L

    Solo rolling gauge

    not a fan, makes ya hit like 6 hours long lol done loads.
  40. L

    old wooden corner beads

    never seen a wooden corner bead before, wtf is one of those!?
  41. L

    Installing a new DPC

    i think its more to do with products applied on the wall that lets it climb, as in a garden wall with no dcp the wall isnt soaked, just the ones under the ground... hmmm.
  42. L

    Installing a new DPC

    i live in portsmouth where in areas we are actually below sea level in places lol and do a lot of damp work in houses around the shore especially, when there is an ingress of water and the floor is dry i can understand the rate of absorsion into the ground would be quicker than it could climb a...
  43. L

    Installing a new DPC

    i cant quite understand how rising damp can NOT exists!? surely bricks can absorb moisture , so sat in water long enough water could travel up the brick!? i understand good airflow above this area can dry it out, but thats still "damp rising" no!? i do a fair bit of work for damp proof...
  44. L

    Soooo I bought

    i used to use a mighty long trowel for domestics but found it used to pick up too many inperfections in older houses, ceiling ect, made it hard work to skim areas, so down sized , it tended to pick up every hollow and even make some at times due to its length... these do look good though...
  45. L

    Soooo I bought

    very interesting, iv got to try one..... id imagine it wouldnt come out the van much on domestic jobs!? which is all i do as site is piss poor pay....
  46. L

    Builder needs expert advice

    bit of rapid mate if its only small, alos cover it up if its that cold! be alreet......... for while lol
  47. L

    Solo rolling gauge

    i hate rolling sets but as said, can save you few quid not having to get mates in, i never use labs, my whisk is my lab.... its all about timing and control though, you can put on all day long once youv got the knack, but does kill the arm lol im more of bag n half first coat n skimpy half...
  48. L


    lol, the best bit was the close up of the "fiddly bits" between sockets lol **** everywhere LOL