Search results

  1. Olican

    Forcing patina

    I let them soak in cola and cider vinegar for a week then scrape off the worst, then soak in bicarbonate and water or this stuff..
  2. Olican


  3. Olican


    Funny enough that emoji looks like me cranking :risas2:
  4. Olican

    Qty plastering sand

    A metric tonne will cover approximately 35-40m2 @ 15 mm Dumpy bags vary in weight but you can usually finish about 30m2
  5. Olican


    I do that , it's called Cranking :cry: Cranking to the crymax
  6. Olican


    Welcome along @Bella83
  7. Olican

    Another new trowel from NELA - PREMIUM ELITE

    @Dropsalot summed it up well; a flexi trowel is just replicating a very well worn carbon. I had a carbon that had done thousands of m2 of sand and cement and had loads of flex to
  8. Olican

    PUTZ Buckets quick review

    I don't remember that, terrible memory me
  9. Olican

    PUTZ Buckets quick review

    Am I right @algeeman ?
  10. Olican

    PUTZ Buckets quick review

    Met Lodan in person and can tell you he's is a lovely bloke, plus he chipped in hundreds for the last fundraiser . Top lad in my opinion (y)
  11. Olican

    Fassa Bortolo

    Do you think fake news Dan?
  12. Olican

    Arch formers.

    Can't stand them personally, prefer to form with board and use arch beads
  13. Olican


  14. Olican

    Work available in Plymouth

    Are you happy to wear a mask :endesacuerdo:
  15. Olican

    Work available in Plymouth

    Work available in Plymouth if anyone is looking
  16. Olican


    More detailed intro please, I bloody love a good intro
  17. Olican

    New to this forum

    Welcome along bud
  18. Olican

    4 th grant ?

    No chance am I clicking any link you share.. Odds are it's a dog sniffing a man's arsehole ..both crying.. .next thing the RSPCA is knocking on door :endesacuerdo:
  19. Olican

    Help Render sand&cement basics

    Use the search bar, there have been some quality threads over the years
  20. Olican

    A 3-2 L, r&s

    @John j
  21. Olican

    4 th grant ?

    Took no lube at all, was like punching a tuba
  22. Olican

    4 th grant ?

    I've been investigated twice, once by HMRC and once by vat man. There is no easy excuse. The same will be for the 'free money' saga, all those claiming grants to 'support businesses affected by covid'.time will tell
  23. Olican

    4 th grant ?

    Not any more bud no
  24. Olican

    4 th grant ?

    They're spending a fortune on computer systems that look for annomolyies in earnings/spendings
  25. Olican

    4 th grant ?

    Unfortunately not the case, they investigate hundreds of sole traders every year, I know a senior tax investigator and believe me it happens
  26. Olican

    Turnover test - 5th Grant

    Surely money can't be s**t on those rates, unless jobs are unorganized
  27. Olican

    Turnover test - 5th Grant

    Good rates, only problem is a good spread can earn so well , eventually the client ends up dropping rates or looking elsewhere
  28. Olican

    Turnover test - 5th Grant

    Presume? Moi? Sir you get me wrong I have never nor never will presume anything about any man or gal (@JessThePlasterer ) on a forum, I have never disagreed with @Dollar or anyone on here for that matter. Dollar told me in confidence that he has coped life as a chronic premature ejaculator by...
  29. Olican

    Turnover test - 5th Grant

    Get an Elgrand (y)
  30. Olican

    Turnover test - 5th Grant

    The problem is though they probably won't but it's underdeniably true that benefit and tax abuse is a huge drain in this country. If you have to fleece the government to pay for home improvements then you are no different to the smack head shuffling off to get his handouts and methadone jelly...
  31. Olican

    Turnover test - 5th Grant

    What on earth are you on about you weirdo, That moldy bedsit is giving you thinking difficulties , it's the dog I feel for.
  32. Olican

    Turnover test - 5th Grant

    You lost me there Tony :confused:
  33. Olican

    Turnover test - 5th Grant

    Bunch of benefit cheats collectively helping to cripple the economy in my opinion :coffe:
  34. Olican

    So it's settled then..

    Same here, but for different reasons.. You shake a man's hand, little while later you go for a wee.... ....take penis out.. that man's DNA is on your penis! Whilst walking through park later in the day you pat a dog... go for a wee,. Take penis out.. Dogs DNA is on your...
  35. Olican

    good weekend ??

    I Did warn you, it's called rattler for a reason :loco: you'll be loose in the morning :LOL:
  36. Olican

    So it's settled then..

  37. Olican

    Top tip!!

    (y) does make sense what your saying, cheeky little pic would of made me moist though
  38. Olican

    Top tip!!

    Did you take any pics?
  39. Olican

    It's been a while, Ox speedskim question.

    s**t was that 8 years , I won mine in that comp too
  40. Olican


    Welcome along, more info please. I love a good intro
  41. Olican

    Hello from Yorkshire

    Welcome along (y)
  42. Olican


    Good evening @Yann , welcome along. How long you been a spread? Do you use flex trowels? Pregrit or pva? Hawk or handboard? Stilts or hopup ? :coffe:
  43. Olican

    Nela black premium elite

    Note to self ; don't Google black midget for sale
  44. Olican

    Nela black premium elite

    No mate I got mine years ago off wanstapshop. Bryan will be able to share a link I'm sure . @Plasterers1StopShop
  45. Olican

    Nela black premium elite

    Trust me mate, these are awesome