all the information is there for those who wish to seek it, sadly most just do what the clearly unhinged Hancock says.
wake up my friend
I find it hilarious I’m called the fool, when you are wearing a muzzle around your chops
stop watching and listening to the MSM and educate yourself on this matter, there has never been a pandemic, they are using a test that is Useless and was never intended for diagnosis. Did you know Belgium...
it states among many other things in The list that it “is not limited to” which is the key it’s left open to any excuse you like because you do not need to seek medical advice.
you can only be fined by simply saying “ I dont want to or refuse to”
legally it’s unenforceable just ask any lawyer.
says the mask wearer, what scientific evidence has the government ever produced for the measures taken ? Yet you believe every word and do as they say
there iS no or ever was a pandemic not says me, facts say it. Now be a good boy and go and the wet bed before Hancock comes and tucks you in
Shits hitting the fan fellas/lassies, real bad times are ahead.
the economy aside from food will be non existent, in at best weeks worst just days.
i only see two scenarios when this is all over, taxes will have to go up massively well north of 50% to pay for all of this or as I think may be...
Yes it is, laughing/ liking said post leads me to think that they must also be depraved.
Again call me what you like, but bringing family members into it is a whole new ball game
I have criticised an ideology, I have backed Brexit, I have backed the tories and questioned labour policies, I have questioned mis information on uni finish and the bg scheme, this is my crime sheet.
Not been on here long enough yet you say a lot have left due to my views ?
The man is vile, to even think what he wrote is unbelievable, this isn’t about being a victim, its disgusting unacceptable bile.
Anyone can call me what they wish but to bring my daughter into it in such a disgusting manner cannot be left I’m afraid.
Name 1 who left because of my views ?
No there really is, what was said was unacceptable, and you are correct I give as good as I get, however my daughter was brought into it in a very very bad way that is something that is not going away
I have never said anything racist on here.
Calling out an ideology is not racist
You speak of crossing the line well this was crossed last night from which there is no going back.
Oh there is, he is a sick human being and will be called out on it at every opportunity while I can.
What he said was unacceptable
He was the main reason ***** left due to bullying along with his cohorts.
Only today he posted vile racist posts which wasn’t the first either
To be fair if he is good enough and earns you money then why shouldn’t he get that, is he though ?
If you start him in lower pay you can increase it, not sure where you would stand in reducing his pay
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