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  1. C

    Stay or walk. Away

    it was hhumid I have thought of that do you know what m8 it can be anything. You got to say this plastering game s**t must be a easier way of making money! Ha
  2. C

    Stay or walk. Away

    No Feb don't put waterproofer top coat
  3. C

    Stay or walk. Away

    Top coat is always a butter coat nice light ther scratch coat could of being a light skim over blocks. As far as I know! If mine was a bit thicker would that made a difrent?
  4. C

    Stay or walk. Away

    Just normal building sand
  5. C

    Stay or walk. Away

    Never put waterproofer in top mix Feb or lime. Wall was damp not wet
  6. C

    Stay or walk. Away

    The scratch seemed OK. I'm just think it could 5 1 and I've finished on 5 1 half
  7. C

    Stay or walk. Away

    Not to bad I gave it a good Soak with a hose and as I was going
  8. C

    Stay or walk. Away

    Don't know what it can be. To much of the concentrated waterproof in scratch?
  9. C

    Stay or walk. Away

    lwhat else then left the Sctatch to long before finish.
  10. C

    Stay or walk. Away

    Your telling me m8. Y did I start ther no idea feeling sory for the bloke maybe! Ha
  11. C

    Stay or walk. Away

    I'm wondering if his scratch is 5 1!
  12. C

    Stay or walk. Away

    My top coat at 5 1 half
  13. C

    Stay or walk. Away

    Stared a job after somebody scratch coated the house and got the boot! and huge it a huge house. The owner Doesn't know what mix or nothing about the Sctatch I've done my my mix 5 1 half lime thinking the scratch is 4 1. It blown in some places, he asked me to try 6 1, do I walk away from this...
  14. C

    Retirement gift ideas needed!

    Or vouchers for a brothel be good!
  15. C

    Damp patch on newly plastered wall

    1 have a look outside if thers a problem 2 if ther is sort it out 3 hack wet bit out leave it to dry 4 fill back and over skim again but a nicer job Or hack the place scratch coat and insolated boards
  16. C

    Retirement gift ideas needed!

    Wheel barow with flowers!
  17. C

    How to plaster open fire chimney breast

    Sand cement inside make good outside and over skimmed!
  18. C

    Private Number Plate.

    No m8 just makes a ugly c**t that needs attention from women!
  19. C

    Private Number Plate.

    Spot on ther m8. Three ways to look at it hide age of car prick poser look at me prik sentimental value I get that must be good reason otherwise in to prik list!
  20. C

    Con men

    No lol. Don't think it safe to over skim ither!
  21. C

    Recommend renderer? Swansea area

    Mount Snowdon sunrise!
  22. C

    Recommend renderer? Swansea area

    Have you being up mount Snowdon?
  23. C

    Recommend renderer? Swansea area

    Walk up down snowdon steady pace 4hours. Top runners will do it in 1 hour 10minute. About 45 50 minute up 20minute down unbelievable fit! Or stupid! Ha
  24. C

    Recommend renderer? Swansea area

    No lol North Wales!
  25. C

    Recommend renderer? Swansea area

    2019 that was! People think Wales is a small area but it bit of a drive between North and south Cardiff Swansea 4 hours if your lucky! Wales is a small country 3.5 million people. And 20 million sheep!
  26. C

    Recommend renderer? Swansea area

    Just googled it ha 250 thousand population!
  27. C

    Recommend renderer? Swansea area

    Thanks ye I'm in the North Swansea about 4hours away. Thanks
  28. C

    Hands up.....

    Yes biills whant pay by them self's!
  29. C

    Anyone on here from Plymouth?

    Just being reading about it very sad indeed . To make it more sad a 3 year kiled hadn't started her life very very sad. I hope he rots in hell!!
  30. C

    Eye laser surgey

  31. C

    Eye laser surgey

    Nice one was that for the two?? Or can they do a deal buy one get one free! Ha
  32. C

    Eye laser surgey

    How much does it cost these days?
  33. C

    Eye laser surgey

    I thought it only lated 3 5 years?
  34. C

    Eye laser surgey

    Anybody done it? Any good
  35. C

    Idiots everywhere.

    Yes loads of times I've priced jobs on 300 a day no luck for me to get that I'd have to travel aeay I'd rather have a steady 140 170 a day no stress and home with family! Trouble is you got so many lads on 120 a day can't compete. Only jobs I would make 300 day. Chimney work. So I'm just...
  36. C

    Idiots everywhere.

    Look in to it how rate are difrent over UK might understand then!
  37. C

    Idiots everywhere.

    I charge around 140 170 a day depends on a job. And I work a steady 5 6 day a week so that 800 pound a week. You charge 400 a day 475 a day you must work for millionaires. That the way if you can get hold of the work good luck to you. But I've notice with people with money you put a price...
  38. C

    Scratch coat

    Boom boom
  39. C

    Scratch coat

    plus 2 gabe end
  40. C

    Scratch coat

    Easy to say that with cup of tea in your hand. 4 terrace houses all scratch coated!
  41. C

    Grit fail

    Yes only time grit or pva will fail if backround not sound. But sometimes it hard to say. Strip ceiling over board full guarantee . Or round the conner guarantee for over skim!
  42. C

    Scratch coat

    I do that all the time! Just wondering if sbr stop the suction!
  43. C

    Scratch coat

    Doing a job house being scratch coat 2months ago. Scratch OK bit dusty but it sound! In two mind to sbr the scratch before the finish coat?
  44. C

    Stolen dewalt mixer

    That y I don't buy expensive tools I'd be keeping a eye on them 24 7!
  45. C

    addiction cost me everything

    Won't acid ruin the trowel. Try fairy liquid over night gentle on hands and trowels! Ha
  46. C

    Working alone !

    Best thing is to do get 10 semi retired lads in your phone contact list. And just phone who ever available when you need a hand! With semi retired lads x police fire service bt. They know the score Becouse they have had the lfe experience. They knock spots off the younger generations and half...
  47. C

    addiction cost me everything

    I'm addicted yo women in black legins licra spot best arse!
  48. C

    addiction cost me everything

    They will know I've being about Becouse on every house I've worked last 30 years iv written my name on back of plaster boards date birth and my password to the plastering forum!!
  49. C

    addiction cost me everything

    One of them this stuff I used last night cheaper. Soaked them in fairy liquid over night spotless!
  50. C

    addiction cost me everything

    Do you know best way to clean trowels tried it last night? Give you 5 chance! Ha I bet you never get it!