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  1. R

    Am I using my refina plazzi right?

    Thats how it's done
  2. R

    Wetherby Training course...

    I got a weatherby card mate one day course they covered basics texture / dashing etc well worth doing pal
  3. R

    What's the correct ratio for sealing old Plaster with PVA?

    Good question, interested to see the responses i say mix water into the pva stir until it's not thick/glue like/lumpy
  4. R

    Plans Help!

    Are the walls not battoned out with laths?
  5. R

    sharp sand

    @Olican ill second that
  6. R


    Right , simple , two texture buckets of water mixes 5 bags of weber mono up in a bosh, but after 10 mins it will cure.... Therefore will seem stiffer, leave the mixer in the bosh and as your lab is loading your buckets out just get him to give it a whisk before he loads out... Simple enough...