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  1. N

    K Rend TC15 Problems??

    Cheers Rigsby much apreciated
  2. N

    K Rend TC15 Problems??

    Haha by the end of it we had actually worked a decent system to get that finish lol. I kept telling my mate we need to work to the grain size and kept laying it on saying "we will rub it back" "No problem mate don't stress" i should of smacked him round the head with a bucket trowel lol. To be...
  3. N

    K Rend TC15 Problems??

    Thanks for all the input guys No the heating is disconnected atm in the property rigsby. But i think i have sorted the problem, i had made up a couple of test panels on off cuts of eps which i skimmed and rubbed up today with no problem. I think if i am honest we had laid it on a tad to...
  4. N

    K Rend TC15 Problems??

    Hi guys and thanks for taking the time to reply. Well i wouldn't of thought sun should have been a problem we haven't seen any here for ages lol and we started on shady side in the am. Unless maybe eps had absorbed or heated the base in some way? I am thinking ivor may have it, as it didnt seem...
  5. N

    K Rend TC15 Problems??

    Were renovating a property for resale and fitted Ewi to the outside, all was going well the base coat on and primed. We came to put the top coat tc15, on neither of us had used this before although my mate has done lots of krend bagged render before. I watched every bit of youtube i could find...