Search results

  1. P

    Boarder/plasterers needed for 4 weeks.

    This work needs to be done by 4th October. No CSCS as it's domestic properties through us.
  2. P

    Boarder/plasterers needed for 4 weeks.

    Yeah BG is British gas, when are you next free Lurpak?
  3. P

    Boarder/plasterers needed for 4 weeks.

    I will pay for a day at the beach for you lurpak if you can help find a decent team lol
  4. P

    Boarder/plasterers needed for 4 weeks.

    Hi we are an insulation business that work with British gas, we are looking for a team of 2 for 4 weeks to put PIR boards up and then plaster. There is 8 properties to go at and all the jobs are in mid-Wales, Powys area. We cover DIGS/FUEL, boards are delivered to site. We pay good rates and...
  5. P

    looking for an EWI team in Oxford

    Hi I need a team in Oxford to complete x2 - 100m2 semi detached houses, 2 miles apart from each other. It will be 90mm - silicone top coat. Most of our work is in the Midlands but I have these two properties to get done in Oxford. Please only reply if you care about the attention to detail, your...
  6. P

    Whats the cheapest place to buy EWI boards ?

    I completed 160 EWI jobs in the midlands when all the funding was out but it suddenly vanished and funding under ECO 2 may not come out so I have called it a day I have 90mm grey EPS, 50mm white EPS. It's mostly ceresit system. If Anyone wants anything let me know. You can collect from coventry...
  7. P

    Whats the cheapest place to buy EWI boards ?

    Hi I have 6000m2 of boards, base coat, top coat, scrim, base track etc etc sitting in a few containers if your interested in any External wall insulation materials. Regards
  8. P

    EWI install team wanted

    Hi All, we have a lot of work around Colchester/Clacton area and we are interested in taking on a team that is based near there or willing to travel there (no DIGS paid) There is a lot of 40/50m2 Mid-terraces and also a fair few 120/150m2 properties. These are private owners and the team we...
  9. P

    WANTED: Enablers in Coventry and Bedford.

    Hi we are looking for a team/individuals for enabling work in Coventry & possibly a load of work in Bedford, we have a B&B in Coventry for £20 a room with 4 people allowed in each room. It is an immediate start. Please don't ring unless you can do the work properly. Andy - 07518370060.
  10. P

    EWI full teams/boarders/renderers wanted

    We are looking for EWI teams or boarders/renderers For a few projects in Birmingham, Bedford areas and then October time we need teams down in Buckinghamshire for a long run of work under the ECO scheme. Please E-mail details to What system your approved for, day...