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  1. S


    They had wank draper stuff, i used my own MT.
  2. S

    Ello Ello

    Bunch a' T***s. LOL
  3. S


    thanks all! Gonna stick it out with my MT and just get a Speedskim 600
  4. S


    Morning Spreads, I am looking for a bit of advice if i may, please. First off, I Am Not a plasterer, i dabble as and when. Completed a 4 day starter course a few years ago and still learning :-). Mainly on my own house and friends and family. I am going to be doing a bunch of work soon and...
  5. S

    Ello Ello

    Morning Spreads! I got fed up of not being able to see comments and posts so i was forced to join, ha! I am a Chippy by day and wannabe' spread by night - by this i mean i have most of the gear and not much idea and completed a 4 day plastering course 3 years ago. I am here looking for tips...