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  1. J

    Can I re-skim 2 days after bad skim job?

    thanks for the replies lads. However as said, I was wondering if I can PVA the wall now and re-skim it, or do I have to wait till the bad plaster is fully dried out before I PVA it? It will probably take at least a few more days to dry in this cold weather. No heating in house and only around 3...
  2. J

    Can I re-skim 2 days after bad skim job?

    hello folks, I am definitely not a plasterer but do my own bits and pieces of plastering and am renovating an old cottage in my spare time this past few years. I skimmed a small room yesterday, approx 25 m2 total skimmed area.However I was sure I had a can of petrol there for the generator but...
  3. J

    Using Extra Time

    hi Larry, can I ask how much tarter you used, say per bag.
  4. J

    how to divide ceiling?

    hello Folks, is there any way to divide a big ceiling into 2 sections? I am not exactly the fastest kid on the block at plastering and this would really help me. Thanks a lot, john
  5. J

    how to divide an area in sections?

    hello folks, Is there any way to divide, say a big ceiling, into 2 sections for skimming? I am not exactly the fastest kid on the block and this would really help me. Thanks a lot John
  6. J

    Mistake at plastering !

    thanks lads for the input. Conflicting info but I will go with the simplest one and hopefully it will be ok. Cheers
  7. J

    Mistake at plastering !

    cockney, are you saying I can leave it as is and just PVA and skim?
  8. J

    Mistake at plastering !

    if I don't sand down and just went ahead using PVA on the bonding, is it sure to crack?
  9. J

    Mistake at plastering !

    thanks Smudger, I appreciate the reply. I figured that was my task but was hoping to avoid it. It's pretty hard stuff ! Cheers
  10. J

    Mistake at plastering !

    Hello folks, I am not a plasterer by any means but have done bits and pieces here and there. I am doing a room in our house and we have new insulated plasterboards all round. My son is helping and he misunderstood so when I arrived home from work 3 days ago he had already filled in the joints...