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    Concrete & flag base - rendering with Weber OCR

    From the top down or from the splashing up?
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    I feel like I’m missing the joke On a separate note, as the majority of my work is live events related, during COVID I considered taking up a trade. First port of call was sparky as I already have decent related knowledge. Bought the 18th, on site guide etc. but work started to pick back up...
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    Concrete & flag base - rendering with Weber OCR

    Simple, to the point, and insinuating it’s a pain in the proverbial. I’ll definitely start looking at some cladding options. I guess I could clad it separately to the garage to prevent the “THIS IS TO OBSCURE THE VIEW” effect
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    Hi! Great to be here. Been honing my DIY plastering skills on our first house. My background is in audio electronics & set building for live events. Always enjoyed getting hands on with stuff that’s within my ability to learn and do safely! So far I’ve plastered the kitchen & hallway...
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    Concrete & flag base - rendering with Weber OCR

    Hi all - first time post here. Hopped in and out without an account for a while now (working on my house). Taken great pleasure in learning internal plastering and gathering a few tools as I’ve done home improvements. I’ve got reasonable at doing walls, not tackled a ceiling yet (I decided to...