dunno..didnt tell me..wanted my details to sign me up!!
the old asian blokes prolly rung up and offered 6 or 7 quid (still pathetic) then the agency, bein 'businesspeople' and not plasterers have automatically took their 'finders fee' out of that and posted it up as a job vacancy in the jobcentre...
bit of feedback later (plasterers laffin at em...) and they prolly just pumped the interest straight at the punter and agreed a lower cut...
but the job went dinnit...
back to the other convo about startin an agency, chargin agency rates to the major builders and just payin the lads the same rates...
takes the builders on at their own game, use the agency as a front (albeit non profit makin) owned by the lads and run by the lads as a whole...
ive had a thought as to whats happened to the building trade....maybe the 'credit crunch' is purely a fabrication by the government to cover the real reason....greed.
major builders have been screwing the arse out of trades for quite some years now, to the extent that prices are so low that quality has GOT to slip eventually (yes we all know quality is already a term u dont use on a building site these days)...stressed site agents with a budget and a deadline are finding themselves stretched to the point of snapping to find the 'quality' (for quality - read 'just about get away with it'), within the time frame, for a pittance...
people can keep up to some extent, but then the pressure is still on to go even further...this is BUILDING not silicon valley...
eventually something has got to give...and i reckon it just has....the people makin the huge profits have realised its met its 'ceiling' and rather than backtrack, appologise to the workforce in general (as if!) they just bailed out...
any thoughts??
maybe should have been a new thread?