Just on way home from pricing up a job and got a phone call from a "number denied"..
"Is that blah blah"
"are you driving?"
"well your a cock and you drive like a cock"
"oh right, well whys that then?"
Then she hung up on me lol, ******* miserable cow, I bet it was one of those women that doesnt like it when two lanes merge and its your priority, they try to not let you in but when you get in cos its your turn they beep you and call you a w**k*r, its the only part of the journey I think I could have possibly upset someone driving like a "****", which I really wasnt, I normally do but im bollocked from the night on the piss last night and was driving like a baby. Ah the joys of ******* motoring, some times I really do wish you could kill people, when someone clearly is in the wrong and has a go at you, nothing worse than that, pure ******* ignorance.
"Is that blah blah"
"are you driving?"
"well your a cock and you drive like a cock"
"oh right, well whys that then?"
Then she hung up on me lol, ******* miserable cow, I bet it was one of those women that doesnt like it when two lanes merge and its your priority, they try to not let you in but when you get in cos its your turn they beep you and call you a w**k*r, its the only part of the journey I think I could have possibly upset someone driving like a "****", which I really wasnt, I normally do but im bollocked from the night on the piss last night and was driving like a baby. Ah the joys of ******* motoring, some times I really do wish you could kill people, when someone clearly is in the wrong and has a go at you, nothing worse than that, pure ******* ignorance.