125 degree external corner

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New Member
HI Guys

Would like you thoughts on a 125 degree corner. This is a vertical corner next to a high traffic doorway.

1) Standard 90 degree bead and try to pry open, never easy to keep straight and can kink.
2) Expamet 597 135° Thin Coat Angle Bead. If I could find anyone that stocked it( Rocking house Poo)
3) Stop bead - Would it be secure enough not to crack?
thanks guy, any special scrim tape or just standard.
this is the corner


  • 125 degree external corner
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HI Guys

Would like you thoughts on a 125 degree corner. This is a vertical corner next to a high traffic doorway.

1) Standard 90 degree bead and try to pry open, never easy to keep straight and can kink.
2) Expamet 597 135° Thin Coat Angle Bead. If I could find anyone that stocked it( Rocking house Poo)
3) Stop bead - Would it be secure enough not to crack?
Burrells is the only place I know up wor way that does 135 degree beads.
Just use normal scrim tape on the join and then stop bead it
Recently had a angled wall and that what I did

I'll upload a picture
125 degree external corner
plasjack, thank so you
1. skim taped join.
2. skimmed over tape to fill void in boards.
3. fitted stop bead and skimmed as normal corner bead.

is this right?
if the board is fitted well cut down the middle of the joint with a sharp knife and slide your thin coat skim bead in, if boarding is dodgy or is a fire
rated wall may not be suitable.
Just use a stop end skim bead as already advised!!!
These are what professional plasterers use for every angle that isn't 90 degrees
was going too, but wanted to pick up a strip to see the difference
There must be places that stock it, but by the fact that not many. No one uses it
125 degree external corner

Scrim right around the corner, put bead on one side but so it protrudes other side by a 2 or 3 mm to take skim on that side.
Always better if you can skim one side before the other
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