A new plasterer pass time maybe

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Have just been speaking to a company i use to advertise (local magazine) Know the guy pretty well and talked about plastering as you do when they are advertising it for you. He was telling me how all us plasterers seem a bit mental and is it because we sniff far too much PVA glue during the course of a day. He was telling me that he recently had a couple of plasterers doing some ceilings for him. He had to go home early that day even though he was not meant to. As he walked round the back garden he was surprised to see the 2 plasterers having gladiator style jousting contest on their stilts with roller poles. He watched as they did not notice him to then have a bit of a wrestle after getting bored of jousting. That sounded like great fun to me. but have never done it. Is this something that most plasterers do . What have i been missing out on :RpS_laugh:
I buried my cousin under about 20 bags of skim with just his head sticking out when he fell asleep in the corner while my bro kept whacking him with a wet wallop brush does that count?
@jesssop my other half has hounded me for 3 weeks now to ask if you may have a relation that is called Mosssop. Please can enlighten her that you are not one of the riddlers :confused:
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Is the first rule of the plasterers forum not to talk about the plasterers forum and is the second rule of the plasterers forum not to talk about the plasterers forum? i'm in the kitchen and she is chained to the oven , what can i do :RpS_blushing:
@jesssop my other half has hounded me for 3 weeks now to ask if you may have a relation that is called Mosssop. Please can enlighten her that you are not one of the riddlers :confused:

I just did a noisy laugh and woke the missus asleep next to me. I remember mossop
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