advice on pricing please

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Surely you already know a daily rate you yourself want to earn? How can anyone give you a merger age rate if you make no indication of what sort of work your doing!
Don't think I've ever under priced a job before...

Is this not basic stuff?

How long a job will take.. Days x how much you want a day..
Av just started on my own not ust to pricing yes i no my daily rate should work im doing is skimmimg and putting up cornice just now
I estimate it will be more than he takes home in 12 months when he's pushing shopping trolleys round tesco car park
If you were happy with what you'd charged/got paid before asking the customer then thats the right price for you. Others may may charge more ,some less!
so many idiots that are trying to get into plastering . Its sad really as there is a lot on here that have been in the game a few years and know what they are on about, well lets all help these people to undercut us with our free advice and pricing ..last one out turn the lights off!
The best thong when pricing is build a good relationship with the customer make them feel like they can trust you and brainwash them into thinking your plastering guru and no one else comes close.

Even if they have had other cheaper prices i dont lower mine as there is a good reason why i charge what i do for each job if i had to lower the price them standard would have to lowered somewhere to compensate.

Charge what you want make sure your making money and sell your self
Dont give a price there and then, have a good think about it and dont cut yourself on time of what its going to take to do it, allow for all the preping and cleaning.
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