Airless plaster


Active Member
What brand of airless plaster are people using?

I’m using Jublin p50 extra fine with no issues but there are cheaper products out there.
Bagar G. Don’t like Knauf, it’s too gritty
Have you tried the Airless Finish light? very fine smooth finish, less "gritty" than Airless Finish,.
FYI look out for thr next generation of Knauf Airless Finish coming soon.
Have you tried the Airless Finish light? very fine smooth finish, less "gritty" than Airless Finish,.
FYI look out for thr next generation of Knauf Airless Finish coming soon.
I can only imagine that the Knauf lite is very soft and damagea easily. Can’t take the chance, use it and be disappointed
Have you tried the Airless Finish light? very fine smooth finish, less "gritty" than Airless Finish,.
FYI look out for thr next generation of Knauf Airless Finish coming soon.
Have you tried the Airless Finish light? very fine smooth finish, less "gritty" than Airless Finish,.
FYI look out for thr next generation of Knauf Airless Finish coming soon.
I’ve got some smaller rooms to do so going to try out another brand then. Will keep an eye out for knauf brand. I’ve used one years ago on a social housing job in Plymouth. Didn’t get on with it though
No. Just use it
Thinking of mixing it in the tub before putting it in the hopper. Gun is jamming up a little going over sand n cement 1st coat. Might be putting the excess airless back in the hopper. You ever get the gun jamming up?