algee's homemade distemper treatment


It’s A Boy
cheaper than gyproc.

il even paint it for ya.


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  • algee's homemade distemper treatment
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Distemper and pva........ that one cost me money in the past..... just use stabilising solution then pva and sleep at night.
Just do a wet finger test..... wet your finger and rub the paint. If your finger gets the colour on it then stabilise it. Pva and distemper is the only time I've had skim she'll off.
Good point he hasn't told us :) tell me tell me lol

after stripping skim back off the walls ....what danny said was right....chalky shiite coming off the wall.
didnt want to pay for gypbond....just to waste nearly a full tub.

nothing special just pva cement sand slurry ....left 3 days and skimmed fine.

now i cant get the bloody paint off my hands !!!
Just do a wet finger test..... wet your finger and rub the paint. If your finger gets the colour on it then stabilise it. Pva and distemper is the only time I've had skim she'll off.

I was going to say the wet finger test... :D :D :D but thought that was a secret :D
I was going to say the wet finger test... :D :D :D but thought that was a secret :D

where would this usually happen?? every other wall in house was fine ...most stripped back to brick.
other painted walls reskimmed fine.
first time in 20 years ive come across it.

only had this problem on this 1 wall.
What the fuuuuccckkk the pva slurry thing still is a bit unreliable in my eyes, just the way pva doesn't penetrative enough. Any stablising solution like sandtex. Wickes own brand. Artex one would work. Just splat it on let it dry and pva/pre grit or I suppose uni finish if that's your sort of thing.

Hate to say it but if you've pva'd over that chalky shite without stabilising then the bond on all of them is compromised. Might get lucky and holds most of the time but luck soon runs out...... like skimming without pva/pre grit.
where would this usually happen?? every other wall in house was fine ...most stripped back to brick.
other painted walls reskimmed fine.
first time in 20 years ive come across it.

only had this problem on this 1 wall.

could happen anywhere :D

every other wall ceiling in MK was like it....
What the fuuuuccckkk the pva slurry thing still is a bit unreliable in my eyes, just the way pva doesn't penetrative enough. Any stablising solution like sandtex. Wickes own brand. Artex one would work. Just splat it on let it dry and pva/pre grit or I suppose uni finish if that's your sort of thing.

Hate to say it but if you've pva'd over that chalky shite without stabilising then the bond on all of them is compromised. Might get lucky and holds most of the time but luck soon runs out...... like skimming without pva/pre grit.

i painted it today ....its fine.
Give it time

gave it second coat of paint this morning its still there.
il be sure to check it everynight when i put the kids to bed.

if its still on this time next year il sell you the first tub @ £585 +VAT.
if you want to buy shares you may.

im sure god himself (aka vincey) couldnt move it.

might bottle it up and bury it for my pension pot "algees xtra time speed scam flexy sticky temper wall stuff".

wish me luck.
gave it second coat of paint this morning its still there.
il be sure to check it everynight when i put the kids to bed.

if its still on this time next year il sell you the first tub @ £585 +VAT.
if you want to buy shares you may.

im sure god himself (aka vincey) couldnt move it.

might bottle it up and bury it for my pension pot "algees xtra time speed scam flexy sticky temper wall stuff".

wish me luck.

Haha, I hope it stays there mate. We've all been there. Distemper panic. What you starting the shares at?