Alrite Fellas!

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New Member
Alrite fellas? Hope everyone's keeping busy! Got told about this forum a while back, been reading through a few threads got some good ideas and info off here and the banter well........ Thought it was time I got involved! The place to meet and say hello so er yeah hello everyone!
Yes mate ,the mono is doing well ,out of the area ,so long days ,local next week ,Cromwell road to finish off an outside
Yes mate ,still do inside work ,but mainly in the winter months ,as i said to Daz if you ever need any help or advice on mono ,just give me a call , i cannot render all the walls in Kent ,and don,t want to :RpS_bored:
Keith I'd be very gratefull for that at times. Im not the type to tread on other peoples toes mate and it's nice to hear there are still people willing to help out others. I only went into it as its something i personally like the look of. I'll have to pinch your number off Daz and have it on speed dial! :RpS_cool:
Like i said mate ,local next week ,the one by the sorting office ,come down ,if you want . Don,t worry about stepping on toes ,i have feet like Bilbo Baggins now :RpS_lol: get my number of Daz ,i will help if i can
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