Anyone ever

Double boarding on some stud fire walls is standard in the BG book (and others). Seen it on steels aswell but needs real fixings thru' not Addy, otherwise it just falls off when it gets warm, not even hot.
Double boarding on some stud fire walls is standard in the BG book (and others). Seen it on steels aswell but needs real fixings thru' not Addy, otherwise it just falls off when it gets warm, not even hot. dotted loags of steels . Never had a fail . Just wondered with weight
Day rate - pick the broom up and tidy!
Price - kick his f**k**g head in!
I.m going home. Said its read . I .mnot boarding ceilings and holes still to be put in for extraction and some pipe work


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I can guarantee that it won't be on the regs to stick a single layer of board onto a steel, let alone two layers.
It wasnt lol. Needs timber frame and jobs carnage . Said tylers comkng on 4th . I said no chance. He said i said it be done for wednesday next week. Which it would if it was ready.
f**k it . Its a filler job 30 seconds from my house