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Few things to consider before hiring the G Man

He will not work alone / suicide watch.

He will cover rads in skim.

His bonding will pimple.

He has 1 dust sheet, same one since the 80s. Yet to wash.
Few things to consider before hiring the G Man

He will not work alone / suicide watch.

He will cover rads in skim.

His bonding will pimple.

He has 1 dust sheet, same one since the 80s. Yet to wash.
Don't forget his chimp will throw s**t at you aswell....:coffe:
Few things to consider before hiring the G Man

He will not work alone / suicide watch.

He will cover rads in skim.

His bonding will pimple.

He has 1 dust sheet, same one since the 80s. Yet to wash.
Not to mention he can't see anything thing as his glasses are covered in multi. No glasses in the selfie though.