Anyone noticed


Artex Boy
Or remember when they scared the piss out of people saying the coronavirus deaths would keep doubling and soon be 100,000 a day?

Looks to be that UK peaked at 1000 a day official deaths (9/10 of those with an average on 3 underlying health conditions)

it’s then started dropping day by day

ive noticed they’ve stopped mentioning the day by day death number and started saying the total number

Or remember when they scared the piss out of people saying the coronavirus deaths would keep doubling and soon be 100,000 a day?

Looks to be that UK peaked at 1000 a day official deaths (9/10 of those with an average on 3 underlying health conditions)

it’s then started dropping day by day

ive noticed they’ve stopped mentioning the day by day death number and started saying the total number

There have said take more notice of infection daily new numbers instead of deaths..f**k**g shite pal,should of just kept vulnerable and old safe,rest of us get on with it..or put every f**k*r in lockdown no ifs or buts

lost for words with your attitude pl,meanwhile in hopitals up and down the country,babies/teenagers/people of all ages are seriously ill,nurses/carers/porters, etc are working long shifts away from there families,including some of your fellow spreads in this forum,but you go ahead and have what you think is a joke
lost for words with your attitude pl,meanwhile in hopitals up and down the country,babies/teenagers/people of all ages are seriously ill,nurses/carers/porters, etc are working long shifts away from there families,including some of your fellow spreads in this forum,but you go ahead and have what you think is a joke
I know get a bloody grip..
lost for words with your attitude pl,meanwhile in hopitals up and down the country,babies/teenagers/people of all ages are seriously ill,nurses/carers/porters, etc are working long shifts away from there families,including some of your fellow spreads in this forum,but you go ahead and have what you think is a joke
Talk about making a mountain of a mole hill.. do yourself a favour,switch news off for a few days and talk to your wife/girlfriend or just masturbate,ull feel loads better hector
i know and appreciate how difficult it will be for you,but stop watching loose women/ neighbours/home and away/eastenders/ and watch some serious programmes about this virus,next time you are in sainsburys do not buy good housekeeping/t.v.gossip magazines and buy new scientist/nat geographic etc instead ,when i get a reply like yours i know i have been right,
My neiighbours are so terrified they won’t go out. f**k**g awful. The Governments and our BBC have brainwashed most poor c**ts into believing we are dropping like flies. UTTER SHITE!!!!
well i suppose thats one way of looking at it ,of course you could ask some of your fellow spreads opinions on this forum,wives/girlfreinds working long tiring exhausting shifts.who are there when people die could be wrong but think they would disagree with your comments,
i know and appreciate how difficult it will be for you,but stop watching loose women/ neighbours/home and away/eastenders/ and watch some serious programmes about this virus,next time you are in sainsburys do not buy good housekeeping/t.v.gossip magazines and buy new scientist/nat geographic etc instead ,when i get a reply like yours i know i have been right,
well i suppose thats one way of looking at it ,of course you could ask some of your fellow spreads opinions on this forum,wives/girlfreinds working long tiring exhausting shifts.who are there when people die could be wrong but think they would disagree with your comments,
Your a jolly soul hector
I know a lot of people and nobody knows anyone who has Covid-19. My mates sister is a nurse. Her. Olleague had a temperature for a few days and felt very unwell, she was tested and it came bag negative. Truth is we are all NOT being told the real story. Sure, people are dying, mostly due to underlying conditions with the tag of covid-19 stuck on them to boost the stats. f**k the government. Lying f**k**s! Bungling PPE orders, Boris missing! Blah blah blah. Even the Police are seen in large gatherings, NO social distancing. WTF!
Or remember when they scared the piss out of people saying the coronavirus deaths would keep doubling and soon be 100,000 a day?

Looks to be that UK peaked at 1000 a day official deaths (9/10 of those with an average on 3 underlying health conditions)

it’s then started dropping day by day

ive noticed they’ve stopped mentioning the day by day death number and started saying the total number

Not that I disagree with the overall point but sky news report the daily total. I think it’s dangerous to get the majority of your info from one source. Just like @Nath80 and @Ashleymcduff do
I know a lot of people and nobody knows anyone who has Covid-19. My mates sister is a nurse. Her. Olleague had a temperature for a few days and felt very unwell, she was tested and it came bag negative. Truth is we are all NOT being told the real story. Sure, people are dying, mostly due to underlying conditions with the tag of covid-19 stuck on them to boost the stats. f**k the government. Lying f**k**s! Bungling PPE orders, Boris missing! Blah blah blah. Even the Police are seen in large gatherings, NO social distancing. WTF!
My best mates missus has been on corona ward 4 2 weeks,shes just had a week and half off,she was poorly for a few days mate said,asked him to tell me straight if people was dying like us in there,said she dsnt really talk about it but hospital was dead in general,her boss rang her asking if she would take a week off on hol as was word of a lie
It might be different up here in Scotland. Far fewer cases. Our hospitals have loads of beds available and yet the continue to organise huge warehouses as makeshift morgues. Are they expecting something we are not being told? I refuse to be intimidated like my neighbours. It’s disgusting!!
yeah trouble is ray,i am a radio 4 nut,read the guardian/observer for my info perhaps you should do the same

BBC 1 was meaning specifically, don't think radio 4 has "news" does it,
Channel 4 aswell, they had a report about all this carry on a couple of weeks ago, was a report from America, turned out the hospital they did the report from was a training hospital, and the "victims" they were putting on ventilators and life support machines and wheeling around the place were mannequins, could see the hinges on the arms and necks, just shoving the bullshit right in peoples faces. was footage from a training hospital in America using dummies. shocking.
Anyone noticed

haggis for dinner...bloody lovely :)
BBC 1 was meaning specifically, don't think radio 4 has "news" does it,
Channel 4 aswell, they had a report about all this carry on a couple of weeks ago, was a report from America, turned out the hospital they did the report from was a training hospital, and the "victims" they were putting on ventilators and life support machines and wheeling around the place were mannequins, could see the hinges on the arms and necks, just shoving the bullshit right in peoples faces. was footage from a training hospital in America using dummies. shocking.
I mean that just sounds like absolute bullshit