Evening fella's - I'm after some info on the prefered plastering methods for our friends across the Pond.
My brother has just come back from the States on a visit, and has put a proposition to me about plastering a couple of rooms in his house - I plaster the two rooms, in return for him paying for the airfare plus a few extras:RpS_biggrin: I'm led to believe it would just be equivalent to a re-skim home here.
I'm just wondering how they work across there? Do they two-coat skim like the majority of work home here? He's in Phoenix Arizona, so it's f**king stupidly hot for about 9 months of the year.
Any info, or advice much appreciated...
My brother has just come back from the States on a visit, and has put a proposition to me about plastering a couple of rooms in his house - I plaster the two rooms, in return for him paying for the airfare plus a few extras:RpS_biggrin: I'm led to believe it would just be equivalent to a re-skim home here.
I'm just wondering how they work across there? Do they two-coat skim like the majority of work home here? He's in Phoenix Arizona, so it's f**king stupidly hot for about 9 months of the year.
Any info, or advice much appreciated...