Artex question

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New Member
First attempt at an artex wall, and to make matters worse its at my mother in laws!!!

I've had a look and the artex seems too deep and bobbly to just skim over as the skim would have to be about 10mm deep.

Am I best giving one coat of bonding then a skim?

Just to recap also two coats of pva on artex before either bonding or skimming?

Also the wall ends in one internal corner which is fine, but the other is an external corner so do i need to put a skim bead down the corner when I bond or skim then give the other short wall, only bout 10inch long, a skim.

Many, many thanks
could it not be overboarded mate which would be a better job if not i would scrape back any high spots and if its quite deep a tight coat of bonding then skim also i prefer wba on artex just to be on the safe side but a lot will come on an disagree
could it not be overboarded mate which would be a better job if not i would scrape back any high spots and if its quite deep a tight coat of bonding then skim also i prefer wba on artex just to be on the safe side but a lot will come on an disagree
sorry just read again dint realies it was a wall forget the overboarding then lol
Hi mate, Hack off as much artex as possible. Then get some plaster bonding agent from Wickes and roller it over the artex. Fit a bead on the external corner. Leave the bonding agent to dry for 2-3 hours then give the walls a good coat of multi-finish. Let the first coat set slightly then mix another batch and put that over the whole lot. You should find it will cover the artex. Good luck!
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