artex showin after skim?

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sometimes artex shapes and spiels show threw after skimin..well least when wet..iv allwaqys belived when dry and painted they will not be there?

customer had me fillin over any high spots with filler be for i left..told him 2 paint first but he said he wouldt see me again if he paid me(true) job was a good un..and lus he offered to scrap the celing first 2 cut cost..he left any high spots him self! but still after 2 coats of skim and paint they wouldt show..there just shaddows of artex ...such fussy clueless people out there :P
customers always right though,let me refraise that tradesmens always right customer thinks they know better cause sombody else has told them all about plastering and read it in a book and dont appreciate how much work is involved
i gave a quote of £153 ..cuz of marerals cost..he gave me a chque of £150...should i be fussy with the payment!

no id take £10 paycut just to get outa there house quicker..!
next time its like that mate give em the option of overboarding or over skimming but cant garauntee the artex showing through,personally always overboard
over board reali fort it was a bit much..half a days work turned in 2 a day and a half...who wants 2 pay for that reali...i 3 coat havey artex celings sometimes..
on a very slight stipple i dab a couple of boards over the top, then mesh it add building paper then scratch it before topping it with sand/cement, then 2 coats of carlite bonding before the final skim .....don't seem to get much artex bleeding through???????????
spunkybum said:
on a very slight stipple i dab a couple of boards over the top, then mesh it add building paper then scratch it before topping it with sand/cement, then 2 coats of carlite bonding before the final skim .....don't seem to get much artex bleeding through???????????
Sound advice ill have to try that ::) ::)
What i find works well is, after two coats of pva put a good thick first coat of multi on , let it pull in a bit and then go over the first coat again with a dry trowel flattening off. Leave it it for a good while to pull in once again and then hit it with the second coat. Perfect results everytime. Obviously if the ceiling is very bowed and bellied before hand, you would need to give it a tight coat of bonding to level her through a bit. Regards kosta.
the simple answer is youve not scraped the high spots off enough or your plaster is too thin it dosent matter what plaster youve used if its thin its thin and needed more on
always probs when they do the prep, as 90% of the time they dont know what their when its not done properly we have to go over it again with a floor scraper and yet they still want the money off....joke....with hidesite mate should have put a 3rd coat on and charged him extra as his work caused you the extra work. . I now dont let customers do my prep anymore apart from taking paper off, and most of the time they cant even do that properly. This is after a job a few months back where they were doing dotndab on 1 wall and tacking ceiling......the wall was so bad that i nearly had to float and set the whole wall to get it skimable......rang them up straight away told them the extra work ...had a bit of a barny about it.. and put the extra price for the work in ......when he came back from work , he admitted it was a bit rough lol....they think it saves money but causes ::) us grief in the long rung
o guy said he will supply the skim 35 bags... so i gave him a labour only price..but he wanted me to pick the bags u in my van and take the rubish LOL and i did LOL ..
cheeky fecker with the pickup of matts......
but its a thing with me ..i always take me rubbish unless for a builder, or skip on sight and plenty of friends dont if labour only....maybe i am a mug as they have costing me in backhanders at the local dump/skips........
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