Artex specialists


Well-Known Member
@lurpak and any other specialists in artex re skims I need some advice.

I’m skimming my lounge ceiling tomorrow over artex, usually id just pva and crack on but this is bare artex never seen a lick of paint and being my own house it’s almost guaranteed to come back down.
So in an effort to avoid this iv just primed it using some bostik stabilising primer because I could t get hold of any artex sealer.
Artex specialists

Question is, would you still pva? I’m thinking in the morning pva onto the coving edges weak mix then either neat or strong pva the job lot again.
I really could do without the f**k about of this coming back down.
Cheers lads
Artex specialists
I would just skim mate.Ive skimmed God knows how many and pva-ed and never had a problem tbh.
Only advise I would give mate is let it pick up before you flatten first coat and if need be give it two flattens then let it pick up before topping as it prevents any grinning through when painted.Dont mean that in a patrinising way mate.Hope all goes well.
Only advise I would give mate is let it pick up before you flatten first coat and if need be give it two flattens then let it pick up before topping as it prevents any grinning through when painted.Dont mean that in a patrinising way mate.Hope all goes well.
Cheers bud iv skimmed a fair few artex celings myself and never had a problem but you know when it’s your own gaff your paranoid. Iv had a celing come down with distemper before
Bare Artex can easily be removed, you could have brushed hot water on it or use a steam stripper, both will soften Artex and simply scrape off, maybe a use full tip for the future now that you have sealed it,
@lurpak and any other specialists in artex re skims I need some advice.

I’m skimming my lounge ceiling tomorrow over artex, usually id just pva and crack on but this is bare artex never seen a lick of paint and being my own house it’s almost guaranteed to come back down.
So in an effort to avoid this iv just primed it using some bostik stabilising primer because I could t get hold of any artex sealer.
View attachment 31368
Question is, would you still pva? I’m thinking in the morning pva onto the coving edges weak mix then either neat or strong pva the job lot again.
I really could do without the f**k about of this coming back down.
Cheers lads
View attachment 31369
Take coving down overboard
Stand aside boys, I'm here now.


Seriously though, only ever used pva and blue grit the odd time. Never had a failure. Pva is like a spark plug for me, it can show me any potential issues. Some (rare) artex goes soft and gluppy and you can scrape it off in sheets after pva soaked in. If skimmed it would fail. Same with some paints that sit on top of artex = fail.

I'd pva and skim that all day long, if at all worried just bang a coat of bonding on first.

As you've already put that stuff on, I'd just skim it. wouldn't start mixing primers
Let me know how the suction is with that gear tho, is it quick as pva to apply? no grit? looks foolproof could actually trust a labourer to use that
Let me know how the suction is with that gear tho, is it quick as pva to apply? no grit? looks foolproof could actually trust a labourer to use that
It’s got a really fine grit feels similar to silica sand, yeah easy to apply I just brushed it on, took about 25 mins.
We’ll see how it goes tomorrow
It’s got a really fine grit feels similar to silica sand, yeah easy to apply I just brushed it on, took about 25 mins.
We’ll see how it goes tomorrow

Fook me I’d have pva n skim by then haha good luck with it mate
No just board and skim and cove end of

Ok so here's a 2 day job flat of artex ceilings WITH coving.

How long would it take you to rip the coving off, board the ceilings (6 flights of stairs) skim ceilings, re-cove. Patch walls and re wallapaper?
It would have been fine with a couple of coats of p.v.a mate. I’ve done it loads of times! Don’t over think it just crack on. (y)
Just prepped boarded the holes and scrimmed up, I’m convinced it’s going to come down. If I wet my finger and rub into the primer it’s just pulling off. Stand by for the disaster
Just prepped boarded the holes and scrimmed up, I’m convinced it’s going to come down. If I wet my finger and rub into the primer it’s just pulling off. Stand by for the disaster
PVA , skim one thick coat , add bonding if necessary, lay it on ,tape board and any cracks , flatten , leave well alone
When it's dry PVA and skim
The process takes half an hour longer than usual and a couple of days drying in between but you will get a very high quality result with no " skill of the plasterer" flattening out and having a taped board section ( with different drying time ) at much less risk of delamination
Not necessary I admit but you will notice the result
@lurpak and any other specialists in artex re skims I need some advice.

I’m skimming my lounge ceiling tomorrow over artex, usually id just pva and crack on but this is bare artex never seen a lick of paint and being my own house it’s almost guaranteed to come back down.
So in an effort to avoid this iv just primed it using some bostik stabilising primer because I could t get hold of any artex sealer.
View attachment 31368
Question is, would you still pva? I’m thinking in the morning pva onto the coving edges weak mix then either neat or strong pva the job lot again.
I really could do without the f**k about of this coming back down.
Cheers lads
View attachment 31369
Can feel your pain
I’ve done a few artex ceilings with that bonding agent. It’s weird stuff but works well. Feels fluffy and soft compared to other brands.
Just prepped boarded the holes and scrimmed up, I’m convinced it’s going to come down. If I wet my finger and rub into the primer it’s just pulling off. Stand by for the disaster

If you get the primer really wet m8, it will come off, but no problems with wet plaster.
@lurpak and any other specialists in artex re skims I need some advice.

I’m skimming my lounge ceiling tomorrow over artex, usually id just pva and crack on but this is bare artex never seen a lick of paint and being my own house it’s almost guaranteed to come back down.
So in an effort to avoid this iv just primed it using some bostik stabilising primer because I could t get hold of any artex sealer.
View attachment 31368
Question is, would you still pva? I’m thinking in the morning pva onto the coving edges weak mix then either neat or strong pva the job lot again.
I really could do without the f**k about of this coming back down.
Cheers lads
View attachment 31369

Lurpy...... artex re-skim specialist?

On artex that's never been painted I used to use watered down artex sealer and leave to dry over night then skim on with no Pva. Done loads with no problems but can't get it now. Last year or so Ive used zinsser gardz which is a polymer type sealer or any of the powdery stabilisers you can buy... Loads on the market from sandtex stabiliser to everbuild 406 and all waterbased. Just bang that on and when dry pva and skim. I think some of this contract artex that was used on sites in the 90s is so soft that it needs a sealer/binder so something thin as pva just ain't good enough,and that's where some get troubles...Good to know that cementone make something that will do job