Asbestos / Artex

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Active Member
Any of you guys ever get the artex tested for asbestos ? Or do you just rely on pot luck

Personaly i no longer touch the stuff unless im 100 % certain its 1990 onwards.

What are your views on this ?
i just scrap and pray mate , i heard that there is almost no asbestos in artex .... not enough to do any harm if jut scrping down any way, dont know if my sorce is corect thow . :-\
you cant take chances with something this deadly.Asbestos kills thousands and thousands every year.
get it on your clothes, go home cuddle the kids,covered in the s**t, your source is stupid and so very very wrong son.
thinken back mate i think my source was a customer that wanted the job doin cheeper when i first qualified. sh#t god bless me just gets better that why 90% of plasterers are piss heads?....we all suffer from dry mouth syndrome :D
1971 to 1981 artex contains white asbestos, the blue one the real dangerous one, but should always wear a mask for any scrape down...but lets be honest the feckers still airborn for hours....and 9/10 times its in me tea too
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