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New Member
Hi guys,

There is wooden laths and it leads from the ground level artexed ceiling up to above to stairway wall it has a grey colour 10mm thick material could this be asbestos? it has got skim over it. Best to be safe than sorry, thanks!
its a old house and the artex ceiling is untouched its just where the greyish coloured mix is layed onto the wooden laths and been skimmed a long time ago. The skim fell off and left with this grey 10mm thick coat and it has cracked all over its where you always nearly hit your head going downstairs lol
Oh im worried about the bonding coat shall we say of the wall which is the main coat of the lath which the skim is applied to
Difficult without seeing! Is it just one area of the house? Artex pre 95 generally has as. But the area ur on about sounds more like a back coat on lath are u sure its not lime?
I dont think you actually see the asbestos with artex,...especially any loose materials.

Ive always gone with asbestos being encapsulated withing the artex.

To be safe dont disturb it and get a pro in to test....its not worth fooking around with mate.
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