Baby Charlie


Well-Known Member
I'm sure there are some dads amongst us, this seems harsh surely the boy deserves that one final chance ?
Post a link it will make it easier for people to know what your on about, I listened on the radio to this the other day and the were saying the journey would kill him. I thought at the time I'm sure someone with a plane could make it a bit more comfey than easy jet, yep very sad decision and one I think shouldn't be decided by a judge or the government. Did you read that story regarding a book a women wrote think it was called 7 billion to one? I'm not gonna post a link co your looking for links for this thread anyway so you can do it ;)
It certainly shouldn't be a judge that decides, but I guess he is going off what the doctors say.
But if the guy in the us who is proposing the treatment can provide adequate care whilst getting there, surely it's got to be worth a shot.
This just goes to show you that your virtually not allowed a choice with your own children ... all down to government ownership of you on the birth certificate.. some nobhead with a couple of a degrees to play judge on that decision absolutely disgusting
This just goes to show you that your virtually not allowed a choice with your own children ... all down to government ownership of you on the birth certificate.. some nobhead with a couple of a degrees to play judge on that decision absolutely disgusting

To be fair to the judge, he is only basing his decision on the doctors and specialists, this guy in the us is the only one in the world who is offering this treatment and will be handsomely rewarded for it by all accounts.
So is this guy just after the money and hope his treatment works ?

That said, for me the final decision should be with the parents.
Nobody should make the choice for your own child.
The target for the family was set at a ridiculous amount which they fulfilled . Which led to some hope for the family to be tarnished by the monsters who made the choice I for one would not be listening to that judge.