back to work

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Render Systems said:
here you go lads back to work at last... bloody rubbing mono up at midnight on friday.... who hoo what a life
te] i will work cheap mate i want to learn what u know im the nuts at rendering and my pebble dash is unbeliveable i use to work in ireland doin white bac grounds and black and green chippens and half inch piture frames aruond windows and inverted coins need to learn something new wanna learn k rend and all that done it once scabbled it and put lines in it like block work really enjoyed it
steve cov said:
george you've definately had a few jars...
ive had 5 cans of lech but i still love the job ive been talkin bout givenn it up after i spent years learnin it ..... . .not fair man my mate the other day done 3 bedrooms and a kitchen all artex ceilins bonded out with materials 300 unbeliver ble yeah im pissed up ;D its the weekend .....any way kirk whats the members area like ....................
got 2 days this week but the architect is hoping to get the plans passed today for a job that we will be on for a couple of months. starting to look up a bit!
sort of stuck with a couple of jobs and cant do much on until +4 and overnight temps pick up too, turned a job away last month they wanted an EWI completing by feb? told em i was not takin liability on it so we lost out but someone wopul have been installing that one through all that bad weather spell???? crazy. its not cheap to fix when it delaminates further down the line.
Heard we could be due another bad spell poss -9
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