ballpark price

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New Member
i have just given a price for a reskimming a hall stairs & landing. ??? ??? ???
i think my price is a bit on the low side :o because the guy seemed taken aback somewhat & asked when could i start it . it is a very heavy artex on an average size H/S/L ceilings included & gear included pva bonding & finish.
What sort of money do you guys think would be on this :-[ then il compare that with my quote cheers.
Normally on a h/s/l id be looking at 480 on a normal re-skim, with heavy artex id be looking at 720.
I went in at 500 all in :o no wonder the guy looked shocked , he must of thought christmas had arrived early.
500 big boys for 2.5 days work + £50 mateerials.not that bad mate.
It might lead to other work.If ur snowed under leave it if not just do it.
Like someone else said for cash it aint bad.
i just done £800 on easy H/S/L and i over boarded the artex ceilings with 9.5 did it in 2 days .. day 1 prep with a lab and day 2 skimmed it all with a lab and plasterer! ;-)
30 for dustsheets
45 for gypbond
35 for bonding
45 for finish
170 for materials

540 labour for 1 man and 1 young man
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