bathroom walls

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no point skiming if tiles going over top, but if that's what client wants.

Read in my British gypsum site book that if a wall is skimmed then the top layer will reduce in strength. i.e weight per m2. if the tiles are (eg) natural stone and quite big then the skim may not hold :-[ . never seen it happen but something to be aware of.
not sure on the condition yet as friend is riping old tiles of so not the best condition.i might use toughcoat what you think.
gettin the impression its just one of 'those' jobs...
wallpaper steamer gets tile adhesive off... or just thick coat it, bond it, whatever...
if its board and its f'cked either reboard it or repair the damage...
if its back to brick in places just bond em out, you can skim it same day...
take the bog and sink out if theyre in the way...
try and get it as flat as poss where new tiles are going...
thats all we do...

if its a posh job, hack the lot off, render it and tank round the shower... ::)
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