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New Member
When it comes to plastering a bathroom, if bath, toilet etc is all in fitted places. How would i approach plastering the full walls. Do i remove the bath to laster the full wall or do I just go up to the bath...?
leave the bath in...
if the bog and sink have isolating valves fitted, try and take em off - or get a plumber in
yeh baths not an issue. but to get a good finish take the bog and sink out. if theres no isolaters get a couple of push fit blanks. 15mm.
Bruce Willis said:
yeh baths not an issue. but to get a good finish take the bog and sink out. if theres no isolaters get a couple of push fit blanks. 15mm.

Shaun, just a quick one mate, yes leave the bath in but for gods sake be careful when your skimming around it! if you drop you trowel and take a lump out of the bath your deep in it. also I always check the the bath for damage with the customer before I start work (for scratchs, small cracks ect), just in case they try and blame you for damage later on. you probably know this but if you don't I hope it helps ;)

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