I hadn't ever given it any thought but has anyone else noticed the difference between British Gypsum boards and Lafarge GTEC ??
Been dabbing an extension out the last couple of days and have lost count the amount of times the Lafarge boards have crumbled like chalk when trying to cut a clean edge - They're bloomin' useless , edges all mishapen when I have managed to cut a reasonably straight edge , me Surform's been working overtime
I thought they might be damp but a new delivery arrived today and exactly the same problem - Bring me BG boards anyday !!!
Been dabbing an extension out the last couple of days and have lost count the amount of times the Lafarge boards have crumbled like chalk when trying to cut a clean edge - They're bloomin' useless , edges all mishapen when I have managed to cut a reasonably straight edge , me Surform's been working overtime
I thought they might be damp but a new delivery arrived today and exactly the same problem - Bring me BG boards anyday !!!